1 min read

What Do Emotions Have To Do With Purpose?

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I was describing the mission of Arctos360 to a friend over lunch the other day. After excitedly telling her how LifeWorks incorporates identifying emotions as a strong part of the program, she asked, “What do emotions have to do with purpose?”

This is a great question! We often think of finding our purpose as focusing solely on our interests, aptitudes, and strengths. Although this is a part of the process, there is more to it. Something also has to FEEL right, deep in the core of who we are, for it to truly align with our purpose. This part is often overlooked.

It is easy to ignore our feelings, our inner voice that is trying to “nudge” us one way or another. I recently experienced this in my own career. I had worked for many years in a school setting, providing therapy to adolescents and families, and loved it. I never thought I would leave the school setting. But several times over the last few years of being there, I had a nudge to do something different; a feeling that I could make a bigger difference doing something else, and that it was time to move on. I ignored my feelings for way too long, until finally the nudge got too strong to disregard, and I made a move. And I am so glad I did.

At Arctos360, we delve deep into this area. We teach you ways to use your emotions to align you with your purpose. Learning to use your emotional guidance system helps with managing stress, making decisions, improving communication, and with virtually every aspect of your life.

So, what DO emotions have to do with purpose? The answer, I would venture to say, is everything!